Posts tagged Greensville
Day 83 Mississippi River

After a peaceful night perched on a small sandy bluff overlooking the confluence of the Arkansas and Mississippi Rivers I rose early with plans of making Greenville, Mississippi, a 45 mile paddle, by night fall. At sunrise I poked my head out of the tent to find a wind out of the west and clear skies. Following a quick breakfast and pack up I was on the water at 8:15am, one of the best start times yet for this morning sloth.

Thinking I would have to contend with wind all day, I was pleasantly surprised to find it relatively calm on the big river. I pushed through for much of the day, not allowing myself the usual pauses in action to sponge out the boat, scratch an itch or fidget with my gear. I was on a mission towards Greenville.

In the afternoon I noticed thousands of Canadian geese flying overhead, shifting and forging various V formations, flock after flock.

Around 2pm I closed in on Greenville, happy with the time I had made. An hour or so later I reached Lake Ferguson, a back channel body of water that Greenville sits on

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