Posts tagged Ponite à la Hache
Day 101 Mississippi River

I was able to get on the water early this morning. The goal was to make a big push toward salt water in hopes of setting myself up to reach the Gulf tomorrow night.

It was a calm and sunny day in southern Louisiana, the first day of December. Traffic has significantly slowed at this point of the river. Large freighters and cargo ships still cruise by fairly regularly, but for the first time since Baton Rouge I was able to experience calmness. No stress caused by boat traffic in the "bee colonies" of the busy ports. Just me paddling a massive river, trees on either side, and a few boats cruising by now and again.

At 10:30 I made a pit stop to refill water and food. DJ's one stop, a small convince store in Ponite à la Hache, LA. This should be the last supply run before reaching the Gulf.

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